Sunday 27 May 2012

You know you're dealing with an "interesting" family when.....

.... you take another phone call delaying something that you asked for several days ago. You sigh after the call has finished, and your beloved doesn't ask "when's the ceremony?" - he asks "when do you get rid of this one?"

On another note, I thought this time of year was meant to be quiet? It's been mental around here!


gloriamundi said...

Yup, it's a wonderful job, but "when do you get rid of this one" is pertinent. Sometimes, breathe it not etc, the job is a bit of a grind, no?
And unpredictable. Frantic February, somnolent March, middling April, middling may until bang! three in ten days, and before I can back politely out and pass the third one on, the FD, a lovely bloke, says quickly "Do hope you can do it; he was an old friend of mine." So I did, and he was.
(I know some people manage three a week and still play golf, crochet tea-cosies and write poetry, as it were, but I can't!)

X. Piry said...

Hi Gloria,

Apart from the odd week with none, I feel as though I haven't stopped since the beginning of the year! Glad to have the work, natch, but I worry what it does for my patience levels.

Have moved a few ceremonies on, but still feeling busy; hence my non-attendance on any blogs.

Take care and thanks.

gloriamundi said...

Don't know about you XP, but I tend to comment on blogs when I'm stuck in the middle of a script, so it's a kind of avoidance technique for a few minutes! Or conversely, when nothing is happening and I want to feel in touch with funeral world.

But ceremonies and people are a lot more important than blogs, after all, and I admire the volume of work you've kept up - so many people will be grateful for what you've already done this year! Maybe the patience level thing is quite a useful indicator, so you make sure you don't burn out.