Tuesday 23 October 2012

Just keeping my hand in.

I've been absent for 6 months from the blog. Even by my standards, that's poor. During that time I've had lots of ideas for posts, but the problem has been one of timing. In the period since my last post in May, I've conducted nearly 80 funerals. This site has felt very much a luxury.

However, there is new competition nearby, as well as talk of training another humanist, so the numbers may reduce a little.

I will try to post something interesting when events dictate and time allows.


gloriamundi said...

Good God! (or whatever...) That's about twice my average work rate. Please don't overwork, it's v bad for us celebs to overload.
Anyway, that's your business, not mine XP, but nice to see you back, and yes, it's certainly a luxury to blog about when you're at that sort of working pitch.

X. Piry said...

Thanks, Gloria. I hope to be back on the straight and narrow soon. This is about my comfortable max - when it starts to get busier, I get somewhat frazzled! Hope all is well with you.