Tuesday 17 January 2012

The loneliness of the long-distance celebrant?

Maybe it's the winter.

Maybe it's the post-Christmas lull

Maybe it's my age.

But I really miss having day to day contact with colleagues.

Now, I'm not running back to the "proper" job - there are more things that I don't miss, trust me. But sometimes, this can feel like a lonely business. We have colleagues, and we work well together (in some, if not all cases) but we are also, sometimes, in competition with each other, and so it doesn't always feel as though we're pulling together.

And our good friends in the dismal trade are also (in the main) jolly good chaps. We live in the same town, we may run into each other, occasionally, outside of work, but we are reliant on them for our income and they can choose whoever they like - we cannot assume that we will get the gigs.

So what is it that I'm actually after? Do you know, I'm really not sure - this is another of those muses sent out into the universe. I'm not lonely in general, I'm lucky enough to have a close family and good friends. It's just this self-employed business takes an awful lot of getting used to!

Peace and love to all.


gloriamundi said...

I think you're right, XP, it is a lonely job, and the whole business of running your own business certainly takes some getting used to. I guess that's partly why I like hanging round the Good Funeral Guide and making the odd comment, as well as writing a bit of a blog meself. Not the same as a chat over a coffee or a snifter, but still nice to be in touch with others who graft in the same line!

Actually, all the posts and comments around GFG allow for a lot more extended thought and discussion than a chat over coffee - but maybe that's the point. It was nice sometimes,in a conventional job, just to gossip, compare notes, unload a bit. And maybe that's really the basis for your feeling?

Take heart, spring will soon be here.
(There are few things more annoying than being told to cheer up, but I thought I'd risk it!)

Gloria x

X. Piry said...

Thanks Gloria.

I, too, value the GFG for the comradeship and the ideas that it generates (Charles, if you're loitering, thank you).

I think you're right - it'll be better when spring is here.

Cheers for your comment.

Anonymous said...

Please do not under estimate your very real qualities. Agreed the work at times can be a bit of a real grind particularly if you have to deal with difficult FDs and taxing family issues - we are not made of granite and like a sponge we can pretty soon reach saturation point. It is nice to have interaction with fellow celebrants - and a real good bitch - to vent your spleen and to set the world to rights. Chin up old thing and don't let the b...... get your down !.

X. Piry said...

Many thanks, "anon" (love a lot of your poetry, btw!).

The interaction is such a great help, isn't it? And we learn so much from each other.

Thanks for reading and for your comment.